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Become A Member

Upon becoming a member of AHLIS, access a wealth of support and resources tailored to your school’s needs. Enjoy personalized information on your profile dashboard accessible through the Panel Section.

Please Download the Account Details of AHLIS before making the payment. Download Here

Membership Form

Note: Please fill all the details carefully in Capital Letters. After submitting the form you’ll have to wait until the Admin verifies your payment and Identity. Once you are verified you can login to your Panel.

Please check the above data once again before you submit the form. It usually takes 1-2 working days to get approved by the admin. If you have any queries related to this, feel free to Contact Us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Unlock a lifetime of benefits with AHLIS membership! For a one-time payment of 20,000, gain exclusive access to a world of opportunities. Say goodbye to annual renewals and hello to a lifetime of privileges. Join AHLIS today and experience the lasting value of membership.

As an AHLIS member via the website panel, the school principal can write posts, view notices, and upload pictures, facilitating seamless communication and active engagement within the community.

If you are from a different state of district, please talk to us before filling up the membership form. You can talk to us here

Yes you can download offline from from here . 

After Filling up the form you can visit our office to submit the form and make the full payment.

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