Launching of AHLIS Website on 11th April 2024

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AHLIS Empowers Members with Website Launch and Training: A New Era of Hospitality Education Visibility

A Milestone for AHLIS: Marking a significant step towards increased visibility and collaboration, the Association of Hospitality Leadership Institutes (AHLIS) hosted its annual member meeting on April 11th, 2024, coinciding with the much-anticipated launch of the brand new AHLIS website. This strategic move empowers member schools with a powerful online presence, fostering a more connected and informed hospitality education landscape in India.

Unveiling the AHLIS Website: A Gateway to Opportunity

The meeting commenced with the official unveiling of the AHLIS website. Developed with the needs of member schools in mind, the website serves as a central hub for information, resources, and collaboration opportunities. Educators, students, and industry professionals alike can now access a wealth of valuable content, including:

  • Member School Profiles: Comprehensive profiles showcasing the unique strengths, programs, and faculty expertise of each member school.
  • Industry Insights: Regularly updated articles, research findings, and industry trends relevant to hospitality education.
  • Events Calendar: A centralized platform for promoting upcoming workshops, conferences, and career fairs organized by AHLIS and its member schools.
  • Student Resources: Valuable information and resources for prospective and current hospitality students, including scholarship opportunities and career guidance.

Benefits of a Robust Online Presence: The web developer leading the session delved into the multitude of benefits member schools can reap from utilizing the AHLIS website. These advantages include:

  • Enhanced Visibility: The website serves as a powerful tool for increasing brand awareness and attracting prospective students. Potential students across the country can now easily discover AHLIS member schools and explore their unique offerings.
  • Improved Communication: The website facilitates seamless communication between member schools, students, industry professionals, and the public. News and updates can be shared efficiently, fostering a more connected community.
  • Streamlined Student Recruitment: The website allows member schools to showcase their programs and achievements, attracting a wider pool of qualified students. Admissions information and contact details readily available on the website simplifies the application process for prospective students.
  • Industry Engagement: The platform provides a valuable space for member schools to connect with industry partners, explore potential collaborations, and showcase graduate talent.

Website Management Training: Empowering Members

Following the website launch, the meeting transitioned to a comprehensive training session. The web developer guided member school representatives through the website’s functionalities, equipping them with the skills necessary to manage their school profiles, upload content, and keep information updated. This user-friendly interface empowers member schools to maintain a robust online presence, ensuring their unique offerings reach the right audience.

Addressing Common Concerns: Recognizing that some member schools might have limited technical experience, the session addressed potential concerns and provided practical solutions. The developer emphasized the user-friendly nature of the website and offered ongoing support resources, including tutorials and a dedicated helpdesk.

A Catalyst for Collaboration: The Power of a Unified Platform

Beyond individual school benefits, the AHLIS website fosters collaboration within the association. Member schools can leverage the platform to:

  • Share Best Practices: Showcase innovative teaching methodologies, curriculum development strategies, and successful industry partnerships.
  • Organize Virtual Events: Utilize the website to host online workshops, webinars, and guest lectures, promoting knowledge exchange and fostering a collaborative learning environment.
  • Promote Student Achievement: Highlight student accomplishments, awards, and success stories, fostering a sense of pride within the AHLIS community.

A Call to Action: Embracing the Digital Future

The AHLIS website launch paves the way for a more connected and future-proof approach to hospitality education in India. The association encourages all member schools to actively engage with the platform, update their profiles, and utilize its functionalities to maximize their online visibility.

Investing in the Future: AHLIS recognizes that technology plays a crucial role in today’s education landscape. By providing access to a robust online platform and training resources, the association empowers its members to reach a wider audience, attract talented individuals, and ultimately contribute to producing well-rounded hospitality professionals equipped for the digital age.

Looking Forward: The launch of the AHLIS website marks a new chapter for the association. As member schools embrace this digital space, the platform will evolve into a dynamic hub for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and showcasing the excellence of Indian hospitality education to the world.

Super Admin

by Super Admin

Since 1990, AHLIS has unified over 38 ICSE schools, enriching student experiences and empowering tomorrow's leaders through collaboration and innovation.

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