Annual Meeting Among all the AHLIS Members on 11th April

April 11, 2024by Super Admin0

AHLIS Strengthens Collaboration at Annual Member Meeting 2024

The April 2024 gathering of AHLIS at Summit Barsana was nothing short of inspiring! From the warm reception of esteemed guests to the exciting launch of our new website, the energy was palpable. We celebrated the signing of a pivotal MOU with ADAMAS University, setting the stage for even greater collaboration.

With heartfelt prayers and thoughtful discussions, we delved into the heart of our organization’s mission, reviewing past achievements and charting an ambitious course for the future. As we bid farewell, buoyed by a renewed sense of purpose and camaraderie, it’s clear that AHLIS is poised for an exciting chapter of growth and innovation.


AHLIS Minutes of the Meeting Held at Summit Barsana on 11 April 2024


The meeting was divided into two parts:-


The informal part of the meeting started with the introduction and the felicitation of the
esteemed guests who were as follows.

A. Mr. Amand Bora – the Director of Admissions, ADAMAS UNIVERSITY the new corporate sponsor. B. Mr. Nygel Choudhury – the General Manager of Summit Barsana Hotel, Kalimpong the Hospitality partner.
C. Mr. Arvind Kumar – the Regional Sales Manager, Global Rise Publications our Publication partner. D. Mr. Taliv Ansari – the AHLIS Web designer.
E. Mr. Shauraj Zimba & Mrs. Dolkar Bhutia – from Temple of Wisdom School, Mirik F. Mr. Thupten Tsephel Bhutia – from Bokar Vajradhara Memorial School, Mirik

(b) The Memorandum of Association (MOU) between ADAMAS, represented by Mr. Anand Bora, the Director of Admissions and AHLIS, represented by the President Mr. Lawan Pradhan.

(c) The new AHLIS Website was also launched and explained in detail by the web designer Mr. Taliv Ansari.

(d) And finally the two new member schools namely – Temple of Wisdom and Bokar Vajradhara Memorial School – both from Mirik were welcomed formally into the association.

Unveiling the AHLIS Summit: A Synopsis of the April 2024 Meeting.



(i) The second part of the meeting started by the meeting being called to order by the Secretary and a welcome address by the President Mr. Lawan Pradhan.

(ii) It was followed by a prayer by Mrs. Sarmistha Thapa, the Principal of Assembly of God Church School, Darjeeling.

(iii) The list of schools which attended the meeting are as per list attached and apologies were received from the following members schools-

(a) Mr. Sudhir Subba – of Brindavan Boarding School, Mirik
(b) Mr. Eno Panlook – of Grace English School, Pedong
(c) Mr. Dogyal Tshering Lepcha – of Springdale Academy, Kalimpong
(d) Mrs. N. Sarkar – of Daisies School, Kurseong
(e) Mr. T. T. Sherpa – of Greenhill English School, Sonada

(iv) The Secretary then read the minutes of the AGM held at Montana Vista on 29th November  2023. The minutes was proposed by Mr. Anil Gupta, Director Sacred Heart School, Siliguri and seconded by Dr. P. S. Rai, Director, Bhadra Sheela Memorial Institution, Darjeeling.

(v) The Calendar of Events 2024 was once again read and discussed. The following changes were made –

(a) Saptashri Gyanpeeth decided to host the Boys Table Tennis Tournament on 7th September 2024.

(b) As St. Augustine’s School, Kurseong expressed their inability to host the Under 17 Football vide an email to the Secretary, the offer was once again thrown to the House. Finally, Sunrise School, Lebong decided to host it and informed the House that the date would be intimated later.

(vi) The revised date for the Powerpoint Competition to be hosted by Paramount School, Kalimpong is 21st September 2024.

(vii)Many members felt that topics for the Inter School Debate should be given in advance. After much deliberations, it was finally decided that simple topics would be given by the judges and schools need not submit topics like it earlier used to be. It was also reminded by the Secretary to the hosts of Debate, Elocution and Powerpoint Competition that there has to be representative from each zone at the time of computation of final scores.

(viii)The minutes of the PTI’s meeting held on 29th November 2023 at Saptashri Gyanpeeth was also read and the following deliberations took place –

(a) It was decided that students who had given the Board could take part in Under 19 competitions. Students who were not on the rolls of the school should not be included. If any complaint was received, then the executive body would form a discipline committee to investigate into the matter. If the allegations were found to be true, the school would be banned for a minimum of one year from that particular event.

(b) It was informed that zonal competition is only for Football given that normally only one ground is available to conduct the entire tournament within two days. In view of the above discussion, Mirik zone requested for more berths. Finally, with the consent of House the Secretary decided to allocate 4 berths each for every zone plus one automatic qualification berth for the host school.

(c) In Elocution, as was discussed and decided in PTI’s Meeting, there would be minimum usage of body parts. However, some Heads felt that this point needed to be communicated to the judges to award negative marking.

(d) In the PTI’s meeting, it was discussed that schools should be charged for the entire team irrespective of the players brought by the school. All the Heads unanimously agreed that teams would be charged only for the number of players fielded in the tournament. The registration fee for Volleyball is Rs.500/- per head and Football Rs.600/- per head.

(e) Saptashri Gyanpeeth would be hosting Chess as an Invitational Event as Rockvale Academy for Yoga.

(f) Bangla Siksha Registration Number would not be mandatory as Darjeeling Schools are having problems registration inspite of best efforts. The Secretary was requested to discuss this matter with Executive Body of ASISC, West Bengal.

(g) Lewis English School and Orange Lake School were also requested to postpone the date if Girls Volleyball tournament as the dates were clashing with the Elections in the Hills. All the rectifications was proposed by the Secretary Capt. P. M. Pradhan and seconded by the President Mr. Lawan Pradhan.

(ix) The Secretary informed the House that Council has done away with the Compartmental Examination from this year and introduced Improvement Exams in a maximum of two subjects. This major announcement was made in the ASISC National Conference held at Hyderabad.


(x) In the AOB – the following points were brought out.

(a) Mr. Nagen Rai, the Director of Pinehall Academy, asked the House whether the recommendations in the NEP regarding doing away with examinations for Class X is being implemented. The Secretary said that there is no direction from the Council regarding this. He also asked if schools are charging registration fees for Class IX. The Secretary informed yes, all schools are charging Rs.500/- for the same.

(b) The ASISC (west Bengal & North East) ASM was being held in Guwahati in the last week of June. The Secretary informed the House that it will be good if as many schools as possible attend this meeting and he will be organizing the accommodation for all members through Global Rise Publications. Beside that he told the House that he was planning road show from Siliguri to Guwahati and transport and meals enroute would be arranged accordingly.

(c ) Mrs. Sreejana Gurung of Glenmore International School requested all the host school to also send invitations in the WhatApp Group as she had failed to receive invitations on mail on many occasions.

(d ) The Treasurer, Mr. Anupam Lama of Paramound School read the statement of Account handed over by the outgoing Treasurer, Mrs. Dipika Thapa of Gyanoday Niketan. He informed the an amount of Rs.4,05,000/- (Rupees Four Lakhs five thousand only) had been credited from ADAMAS University as part of the Corporate Sponsorship. He further requested all the members to pay the annunal subscription of rs.3,000/- after the meeting and Rs.10,000/- had been exempted from this session due to the Corporate Sponsorship.

(e ) ADAMAS University would also be sponsoring an all ADAMAS AHLIS Annual Award Ceremony at the end of the session.

(f ) The next meeting would be at Vrindavan School, Kalimping tentatively in July. The exact date to be decided later.

There being no other points, the meeting concluded with a vote of thanks by President of AHLIS Mr. Lawan Pradhan.

Any Questions? Contact Us

Download the full AHLIS Meeting Minutes here

Capt. P. M. Pradhan,

Super Admin

by Super Admin

Since 1990, AHLIS has unified over 38 ICSE schools, enriching student experiences and empowering tomorrow's leaders through collaboration and innovation.

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